Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Casino Royale-Film Opening.

Above is a link to the film opening from Casino Royale. For this weeks homework we have been asked to watch a film opening and say what we find interesting about it and why. Being a generaly 'chick-flick' sort of girl it was nice to see a different genre of film that i really enjoyed. The scene is a frantic chase involving two characters. The camera at the start if the scene moved with the crowds and the characters to give an impact of what it was like to be there. It really made me, as a viewer, interested and hooked. Another Camera technique used was the 'Helicopter Shot'. When used during dramatic moments it gave a real sense of how the whole scene was unfolding and the Huge impact things were having on surroundings and people in the scene. They also used slow motion during dramatic stunts to make it more tense and to give a dramatic impact to the film. A camera technique they used that i found very effective was how they sometimes shot through the characters eyes, to give a real sense of what was actually happening.
The sets constantly were changing to give the impact of the pace the characters were running and it also gave the viewers the idea of the size of this chase.
Constantly through the film were stunts preformed by both actors, which keeps the vieweer hooked by the almost 'unrealistic' effect although it was very convincing.
The music used throughout the scene was constantly building up suspense and drama and almost symbolised the characters emotions at that point in time.
Although you are never told during the scene which character was 'good' and which was 'bad' it was fairly obvious due to discreet things added in. What gave me the idea of knowing which character was bad was when during the beggining of the scene when there was a snake on the ground which the character jumped over, i thought that as snakes represent danger and evil that character would be identified as 'bad'.
The good character, however, was identified by the characters inabilty to do stunts as well as the other character. This therefore fits into the sterotype of good conquering evil.

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